
Happy to be Bio-Female

I'm having a good day today. It started last night, when I was replying to my mentor's message on facebook, we've sort of moved from email to facebook. But anyway, she mentioned hoop dancing a while ago and I didn't really think much of it, but now, (maybe its the energy from my period) now I am obsessed with wanting to learn and master it. I also tried out yoga this morning. Yoga is soo awesome! I was sweating and my heart was racing, ten times better than using my dad's total gym machine and that old school exercise bike. I didn't even sweat when I used those. With yoga, I think I only did five minutes this time, to start off, and I can tell this is for me. That combined with hoop dancing and martial arts? Watch out, world! Here I come! I'll be sexy and confident in no time!

But This is another gender rant. I am bio-female. I was born with a vagina. And I've been denying my gender, pretending it wasnt there. Part of it was my Judeo-Christian upbringing that made me believe it was evil and wrong to do anything to embrace it, and feel sexy. I was ashamed to have a period, something as natural as that! And I attached shame to it. Well, no more! I may be gender queer or genderfluid or omnigendered, bigendered, or whatever term I feel like using, but I am still in a female body, and my female psyche has been hurt that I have been thinking so lowly of her.

I watched this Tony Robbins clip on youtube, this little mini training video thing. Well, really it was two of them. One was the Five keys to thrive and the other one was New Year New Life. And they have really changed the way I am looking at life. I took copious notes in one of my journals. And the message he had is one of the driving forces behind this change I'm undergoing.

Samhain = Celtic New Year, so technically its a new year. New Year = New Beginnings. Its time for a new Star to burst forth. I am done hating myself. DONE DONE DONE.

Star out.

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