
Last Post of 2009

Damn. Another Eventful year.

I haven't blogged worth shit. Too busy trying to find things to blog about. I will probably be all anti-linear and post things more often next year about things that happened last year. Hail the Quantum Entanglement, Reject Linear Time.

How about a Recap ?

What did I find out about myself this year ?

I'm still a virgin.

I'm an otherkin (starseed-therian polymorphic multiple).

I'm a Quantum Witch. (I view quantum mechanics/physics as a magical discipline)

And I am a Fetishist Queer Gender Fluid/PolyGendered Polyamorous Fandomsexual.

Pretty Eventful, I think.

And its like 4 am in the morning, on New Year's Eve (from Dec 30th not the new year ... if that makes sense) so if you'll excuse me, I'll go get my five hours of sleep and be back to the marvelous intertubes ...

Star out.