
Retraction? Or a healthy dose of knowledge and fear?

So in my research about Islam, I just watched this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ib9rofXQl6w

And here's what it said in its info box. Just in case it gets deleted from youtube.

Three surprising things you probably didn't know about Islam.
This subject WILL affect you in the near future, so take the chance to inform yourself now - before it does.

Please support this video by rating, commenting and adding to your favorites!

Parts of the text have been strongly inspired by the website

Sources for ALL points:
and here:

Qu'ran online: http://quran.com/9/29
Abrogations: http://www.muhammadanism.org/Quran/abrogation_koran.pdf
Sharia: http://www.politicalislam.com/pdf/WebSitePDF/ShariaNonMuslim.pdf


Now I'm scared. I don't wanna be a muslim any more. Its worse than Christianity! I should just be content with being an agnostic pagan cause at least there's compassion, and there isn't any violence. Maybe I'm not as much of a klingon as I used to be, but I try to avoid violence. Especially over social things like adultery and homosexuality. Why must religions govern how our love lives should be? Its awfully presumptious and pretentious of them. I don't think god cares how we love as long as we love, (with the exception of pedophilia, that's just plain wrong). I mean wow, I watched that and its a complete reverse of my polarity, a complete turn around of opinion.

Its amazing what a little knowledge will do. Even if its conspiracy, that link, even if its not true, and its just some anti-islam bigot lashing out, though I don't think it is, there has to be some truth to it, right? Does this make me a racist against muslims now because I'm afraid? I hope not. But then again no one's perfect, right? I don't know, its a lot to take in, I should look into those other sites in the info box too, but yeah its weird, a few minutes ago, I was all gung-ho about wearing a hijab, being assumed to be muslim in public during the day when my dad was at work and now, now, now I'm borderline agnostic pride, like Agnostic Power! I mean how can we know anyway? If there is a god and what this god wants from us, all the 'prophets' could be false, just humans spouting ideas that become memes that become culture that become something people feel its worth dying for.

This is all going in my book, I swear it is! As my book is all about my spirituality and my theology and such. Man, this is amazing, truly, truly amazing. I can see it now, my book is going to be banned in certain countries, just watch ...

Muslim Dreams ....

I've been having muslim dreams lately, dreams that have women in hijabs and the like in them. I'm thinking I might incorporate some Islam in my path. I like their idea of female modesty, I LOVE hijabs, and I also like the idea of praying five times a day. It gives you focus on the Divine, instead of only praying when you want or need something, it cultivates a relationship. Its beautiful to think about, don't you think?

And they don't have the concept of 'tithes to god' they have alms for charity, its much more realistic. I don't know if they have sermons or not, I mean there is an Imam, a leader but I'm not sure if there is like a lesson of guidance which I think sermons are. I don't think they do have them. I know there is still a degree of misogyny and patriarchy but I am hopelessly drawn to the faith. Its so similiar yet so different than Christianity and Judiasm. I am going to research it and find out more. The only thing I'm worried about is the thing called 'mercy killings', and their disregard for infidels, which may be stereotypes from American Television, but I am genuinely curious, and with my leanings toward paradigm piracy, I might not be interested in Islam forever. It might be a phase or whatever. I might be a muslim for x amount of time and then grow out of it and go back to being an agnostic pagan.

Maybe a full conversion isn't necessary. Maybe I can just adopt the pillars and principles that I like from Islam and still be what I am, an agnostic pagan unitarian universalist. And if people assume that I'm muslim then its on them, right? There is the fear though, that people will assume that I'm muslim and think I'm a terrorist because of all the hooplah of 9/11. And my dad always comments when I go out wearing a head scarf. I have big enough ones to make a hijab if I wanted. But I don't want to hear his judgement. I suppose I could go to the library and volunteer, which is during the day, wearing my hijab? I don't know.

Its just been on my mind lately. The idea of being a muslim sounds beautiful to me. Muslim, even the world just makes me smile and feel beautiful on the inside. But I think right now I'm just going to research it, read up on it, google it, find some muslims to talk to about it, maybe find a yahoo group or e-pal to talk to? I don't know. I do have some facebook friends that are Muslim that I could try talking to. Also I should read the Qur'an as well. I wonder if it would be a more interesting read than the bible? >.>

But yeah, I definitely think that Islam is going to be mixed into my own personal path. Just gotta research it more ...


Thursday Thirteen No. 2

Since my Live Journal is being stupid, I'm doing my Second Thursday Thirteen on here to see if it works the same or not, but yeah, here goes:

For this Thursday Thirteen, I'm going to go with my top fandoms, the fandoms as of now that I can't do without.

1. Harry Potter, this series started it all, my intro to play by post/text roleplaying and such, which helps me drastically with my writing, I like to think, helps me become a better creator.

2. Anita Blake Vampire Hunter, this series introduced me to BDSM and Polyamory, which I'm finding are a big part of who I am. That and I'm in love with Nathaniel and Micah, I needs to find me my own Nimir-Raj and Pomme de Sang/Leopard to Call heehee

3. Merry Gentry, because I love Laurell K. Hamilton as a writer, and this is her other series that I like to read, and this one I actually read in order lol

4. Ouran High School Host Club, this series got me into yaoi and shounen-ai. Even its only hinted at loudly in this series, its kinda a harem comedy mostly, but I love reverse harems they make my inner fangirl very happy.

5. Supernatural, I'm a Sam-Girl but don't mind Dean's witty comments, and such, and I absolutely love Dean/Castiel, but Cas before the end of Season 6. I don't like how they ended the season but I won't give any spoilers.

6. Star Trek Voyager, this spin off more than all the others caters to my daydream fantasy life, when it comes to fanfiction ideas, mostly because they are out in unknown space and you have more free reign there, plus having a female captain is nice ^_^

7. His Dark Materials. It started with the movie, but then I read the books, I wish they had made movies of the other two books, it would have been awesome to see how they would have come up with some of the effects and such. Plus, ever since then I have always wondered what life would be like if we all had daemons outside our bodies.

8. Dresden Files, I love Dresden, and Lasciel, and Thomas -drool- I love that there are psychic vampires as opposed to just undead blood drinkers. I think there needs to be more psychic vampires in fiction, I plan to put them in my own stories as well.

9. Strange Days at Blake Holesy High. I used to love this show when it came on Discovery Kids on ABC on Saturdays, I am looking for it on DVD and haven't been able to find it anywhere, its a little known show that has strong memories in my life. And it ended well too.

10. 7th Sea. This was my first tabletop rpg world, and I love it. It has Swashbuckling and Magic/Sorcery, its Amazing. Even if there is no Africa or Americas in their world, I still love it and would love to find all their books so I could run my own game on Myth-Weavers lol.

11. Tanya Huff's Blood Series, I love Henry Fitzroy, even though I haven't read all the books, I have seen all the episodes of the short lived Lifetime Series. I loved her mythos on werewolves and pack life. It really spoke to me.

12. Doctor Who/Torchwood, yes I'm combining these two because they are closely linked to me, And I can only do thirteen for this meme, so yeah, The Doctor and Captain Jack Harkness have my heart! I dream that the TARDIS will land outside my window and the Doctor will whisk me away in his magical machine and show me the wonders of the universe.

13. Mona Lisa Series by Sunny. I'm just now getting into this series, its so sensual, I love it, she kinda reminds me of Anita, but there are ways where they are drastically different. In fact I think the only thing they have in common is that they are not quite human and are sleeping with more than one man, come to think of it, the world could do with more heroines like that lol ^_^