
Neodruid Athiest

Okay so I'm black but I'm drawn to the Celts. There has to be some Irish/Scottish something in my somewhere otherwise, why the draw? I am thinking of making a second SCA persona, one from Celtic Gaul. The other one is from Moorish Spain. That way I'm covered for both my ideal places in History. The moorish spain one will still be set in France, and the Celtic Gaul one maybe from Scotland or Wales.

I want to be a druid, so I'm researching that. I feel really drawn to that path for some reason. It has to be a secret I know, until I find a mentor. I feel really agnostic lately though, so maybe I'm an Agnostic Druid or maybe even a neodruid athiest. I still believe in some sort of afterlife. Reincarnation mostly, but the idea of the Christian God is getting harder and harder to accept. Everything. EVERYTHING has pagan roots. I think its high time I discover mine.

My dad dug deep to find his jewish roots, time I take the baton and dig deeper to find our pagan roots. It sure as hell ain't anything voodoo, not really. I'm drawn to Oya, goddess of the wind but other than that, there really isn't a draw to the Yoruban pantheon/religion beliefs. Except that I like how they connect to Catholicism, like the Celts did. Its part of the reason I want a rosary.

But I want a rosary without Jesus on the cross, just a Celtic cross on the end, black wooden beads -nods- Eventually, one day, maybe.

Just as short blog to update myself on my progress since the psychosis and diagnosis of being bipolar. I'm stable on risperidone and should be starting job corps soon!

until next time,

Star out.

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