
Exploring Energy 1

I first found out about energy via vampirism. I wouldn’t call myself a vampire and if I’m honest with myself I wouldn’t call myself anything but kin. I am something more than human and other than human, otherkin. But I cannot deny that even we, or I have a special relationship with energy.

I can sense it, feel it and I am beginning to learn how to affect it, manipulate it: to control my own reality. I have come across some exercises that help me, in my beginning studies, various books and websites, I only have two at the moment, but before we get to that, I think we need to have a physical understanding on what energy is. Physics before Metaphysics, as it were …

We have the basic Law of the Conservation of Energy that says that energy (like matter) can neither be created nor destroyed. And then there are the two basic forms of energy, kinetic (motion) and potential (stored). But the interesting part I have come across in my studies of energy are the laws of thermodynamics. The very nature of them sounds vampiric, but I’m sure they can be adapted to suit the non-vampiric energy worker as well.

First Law of Thermodynamics states that under the law of conservation of energy, any form of energy exchange simply means that one type of energy is transformed into another as a form of chemical reaction.

The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that any time work is done, a portion of the starting energy is going to be lost as heat. And the third law simply states that as a consequence of the first two laws, absolute zero exists.

There are also some equations that may be useful but I think they should be put in Exploring Energy 2. Granted I am still learning about all this, so if there are some errors I made in stating the laws, you all can post comments and let me know…

Exercise 1

Rub your hands together and then slowly bring them apart to see if you can feel, sense the pulsing energy/vibrations created between them. Not the heat, but the actual vibrations of energy. Close your eyes if you need to.

Exercise 2

Lie still and visualize your whole body filling with liquid or air, and then direct it to your hand, but don’t let it through, let it fill up your hand, and if its liquid, it would probably feel a great deal heavier, and if its air it would probably feel lighter.

Once you’re done with the excercises you can journal your progress and sensations, and tweak them and give them more detail, visualization is the key.